Ocean Waves+ Calculator v1

Price: £55.00 (£55.00 Inc. VAT)
Calculator for the hydrodynamic forces on a structural member


Resistance to water particle acceleration and velocity induces forces due to drag and added mass on an immersed structural body - e.g. a wall, brace, transom, pile, etc. - which may be applied at any depth, inclination, orientation and/or buried/anchored in the seabed.
The best known theory for this conversion was developed by Morison, which is based upon drag and added mass coefficients, and is used to calculate the forces in this calculator.


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You may calculate these forces independently from the water particle velocities and accelerations using our Waves calculator, or directly using this calculator, which identifies the force profiles through the wave and through the water column.
The data matrix generated in Waves+ may be post processed in a suitable spredsheet to identify the stresses and deflections in the structural body.
This calculator is not designated as a supplement to the Waves calculator, but as an alternative. If you don't need to calculate forces, Waves will suffice.

For help using this calculator see Technical Help

For all of the calculation options, the input and output data are as follows:

You enter: and the ocean waves calculator will provide:
  • Water depth
  • Wave height
  • Wave period
  • Current
  • Acceleration due to gravity
  • Elevation in water column (z)
  • Angle through wave (-180 to 180°)
  • drag coefficient in horizontal direction
  • drag coefficient in vertical direction
  • added mass coefficient in horizontal direction
  • added mass coefficient in vertical direction
  • density of medium (e.g. seawater)
  • height above seabed of bottom of structural member
  • width of structural member; dimension normal to wave direction @ γ=0
  • thickness of structural member; dimension parallel to wave direction @ γ=0
  • length of structural member
  • projected width of structural member @ 'β' normal to wave direction
  • horizontal cross-sectional area @ 'β' of structural member
  • vertical cross-sectional area @ 'β' of structural member
  • inclination of structural member (β = 90deg = vertical)
  • orientation of structural member (γ = 0deg = parallel to wave direction)
  • force plot increments; applies to both through the wave and through the water column
  • Wave length
  • Time through wave
  • Distance through wave
  • Wave number
  • Wave speed
  • Wave celerity
  • Wave profile
  • Horizontal water particle velocity
  • Vertical water particle velocity
  • Horizontal acceleration
  • Vertical acceleration
  • Wave surface gradient (or slope)
  • Data listing: velocity & acceleration; in water column
  • drag coefficient in horizontal direction
  • drag coefficient in vertical direction
  • added mass coefficient in horizontal direction
  • added mass coefficient in vertical direction
  • density of medium (e.g. seawater)
  • height above seabed of bottom of structural member
  • width of structural member; dimension normal to wave direction @ γ=0
  • thickness of structural member; dimension parallel to wave direction @ γ=0
  • length of structural member
  • projected width of structural member @ 'β' normal to wave direction
  • horizontal cross-sectional area @ 'β' of structural member
  • vertical cross-sectional area @ 'β' of structural member
  • inclination of structural member (β = 90° = vertical)
  • orientation of structural member (γ = 0° = parallel to wave direction)
  • number of increments force listing
  • Force listing: through wave and water column
  • For optional input:
  • projected with of rectangular member
  • horizontal area of rectangular member
  • vertical area of rectangular member
  • horizontal area of circular member
  • projected with of circular member
  • vertical area of circular member

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