Electrical Current Calculator v1

Price: £10.00 (£10.00 Inc. VAT)
Electricity calculator


Electricity is the flow of electrons through a conductor, the properties of which depend upon the conductor material. These properties are measured in voltage, current, power, resistance, inductance, impedance, capacitance, etc.
This concept can be a little confusing to the uninitiated especially for alternating currents.

By way of clarification, CalQlata has related the performance of electricity in a conductor to liquid flow through a pipe in the technical help page for this calculator.

The above properties define the ability to transmit electricity through a conductor; from a light-bulb filament to a power transmission line.


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Electricity Calculates the electrical properties, whether direct or alternating current, in a conductor, via three calculation options: AC-DC, Power Transmission and Resistivity.

AC-DC: calculates the properties of alternating and direct electrical currents in a conductor (see Calculation Options below)

Power Transmission: calculates the power carrying capacity of an electrical conductor, including the heat generated and the time taken to achieve it. This calculation option can be used for power transmission lines, domestic or commercial current carrying cables and light-bulb filaments.

Resistivity (to Conductivity): Resistivity is the reciprocal of conductivity (and vice versa). You enter your resistivity or conductivity value in any units you like and Electricity converts it into all the other 55 units of resistivity and conductivity.

The technical help page for Electricity provides calculation examples for AC-DC and Power Transmission calculation options.

CalQlata’s Metals database provides all of the conductor material properties required for input to this calculator.

For help using this calculator see Technical Help

Electricity Calculator - Options


You enter voltage and resistance (and inductance or capacitance for AC calculations) and Electricity will calculate the resultant impedance, current and power (including; phase angle, power factor, etc.).

You enter: and the electrical current calculator will provide:
  • Frequency
  • Voltage
  • Resistance
  • Inductance
  • Capacitance
  • Current
  • Reactance
  • Impedance
  • Phase angle
  • Power factor
  • Apparent power
  • Power

Power Transmission

You enter the properties of your electrical conductor, the transmission voltage and the temperature you must not exceed and Electricity will calculate the resistance, current and power, along with the heat generated in the cable and how long it should take to reach temperature.

You enter: and the electrical current calculator will provide:
  • Voltage
  • Reactance
  • Diameter of filament
  • Length
  • Temperature coefficient of resistance
  • Resistivity
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Density
  • Temperature increase
  • Number of filaments in cable
  • {cable} Mass
  • Current
  • Resistance
  • Power
  • Heat
  • Time


This calculation option converts between 55 units of resistivity and conductivity in metric and imperial form.

You enter any unit and Electricity will convert it for you
  • Ω.mm, Ω.cm, Ω.m, Ω/mm-cube, Ω/cm-cube, Ω/m-cube, Ω.mm²/mm, Ω.mm²/cm, Ω.mm²/m, Ω.cm²/mm, Ω.cm²/cm, Ω.cm²/m, Ω.m²/mm, Ω.m²/cm, Ω.m²/m, Ω.in, Ω.ft, Ω/in-cube, Ω/ft-cube, Ω.c-mil/in, Ω.c-mil/ft, Ω.c-in/in, Ω.c-in/ft, Ω.in²/in, Ω.in²/ft, Ω.ft²/in, Ω.ft²/ft, S/mm, S/cm, S/m, S.mm-cube, S.cm-cube, S.m-cube, S.mm/mm², S.cm/mm², S.m/mm², S.mm/cm², S.cm/cm², S.m/cm², S.mm/m², S.cm/m², S.m/m², S/in, S/ft, S.in-cube, S.ft-cube, S.in/c-mil, S.ft/c-mil, S.in/c-in, S.ft/c-in, S.in/in², S.ft/in², S.in/ft², S.ft/ft², %IACS

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